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Activists in Beijing send Vladimir Putin a Valentine's Day message

LGBT activists stage kiss-in to protest Russia's anti-gay laws and urge Chinese society to eradicate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

A small group of LGBT rights activists in Beijing staged a kiss-in protest in front of the Russian Embassy in Beijing on Friday to protest Russia's anti-gay laws and show support for their LGBT comrades to the north.

In front of a countdown clock for the Sochi Winter Olympics outside the embassy, three same-sex couples kissed while holding up a banner that read ‘To Russia with Love’ as a small group of activists cheered them on.
Activist and filmmaker Wei Xiaogang said in a Facebook post that not only was the kiss-in to protest what’s happening in Russia but their action also ‘hits closer to home as (they) hope to eradicate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity here in China.’

While sodomy was never explicitly criminalized in China, the crime of "hooliganism" – which was largely used as a pretext for criminalizing homosexual and other behaviors – was abolished in 2007. In 2001, homosexuality was removed from the official list of mental illnesses in China.

By Sylvia Tan

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