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Three Men In Thailand Become The World's First Married 'Throuple'

In a move that will have conservative pundits champing at the bit to claim that they'll be forced to marry their dogs before the year is out, three gay men in Thailand have entered into what is thought to be the world’s first three-way same-sex marriage, reports The Mirror.

The three men in their 20s - Joke, Bell and Art - exchanged vows on Valentine’s Day in Uthai Thani Province.

Art and Joke have been together since 2010. The couple met Bell and after he was hospitalized with a congenital disease, Joke and Art proposed a three-way marriage.

Bell, Art and Joke

Bell said:

 "Some people may not agree and are probably amazed by our decision, but we believe many people do understand and accept our choice. Love is love, after all."

Joke added that the three men "love each other and live together like brothers", something he hoped the world could understand.

Joke believes same-sex marriages are just as valid as any legally sanctioned ceremony and are now treated as such.

Joke said: "Now Thai society has a better understanding of sexual orientation as many same-sex weddings appear on TV, newspapers and social media, we feel more accepted and able to come out.

"Most people all around us can accept that and many people have given us their blessing."

He said the threesome "love each other and live together like brothers", something he hoped the world could understand.

Although same-sex marriage is not recognized in Thailand, the trio were able to marry under Buddhist law.

In January, we reported that an amendment to Thailand’s constitution will bring legal recognition for a third gender.

However, more LGBT rights are applicable than ever before in the country, with religious groups declaring their support for civil marriages between gay and lesbian couples. Full story here!

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