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Gay marriage could be coming to the entire US this June That's including you, Mississippi

Gay couples across the US could be celebrating the right to marry in every single state this June.

The Supreme Court has indicated the justices are likely to rule that no state can restrict marriage to only heterosexual couples.

Only two out of the nine justices - conservatives Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia - has dissented from the court's refusal to block gay weddings from starting in Alabama.

Same-sex marriage is now legal in 37 out of 50 states.

Thomas admitted the court's move 'may well be seen as a signal of the court’s intended resolution' as it considers cases from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee on whether a ban on same-sex marriage should be permitted un the Constitution.

Oral arguments in the cases are due in April, with a decision expected by the end of June.

The Human Rights Campaign, normally cautious, has even told gay couples in the 13 states where gay marriage is banned to 'start your wedding plans now'.

Sarah Warbelow, the HRC legal director, has said 'there is virtually zero risk that [the justices] will issue an anti-equality ruling this summer.'

(H/T - Gay Star News)

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