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CDC Warning That The Spread Of Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea “Appears Imminent”

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are warning that about the rising threat of an antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea strain, which threatens to pose a “major public health challenge” in the coming years.

Every year, there are about 820,000 cases of gonorrhea diagnosed in the U.S. and thanks to increasing antibiotic resistance, our ability to treat this common STI/STD is becoming more and more difficult. The CDC found that rates of super-gonorrhea are rising in some cities, including Denver, Honolulu, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle.

Business Insider reports:
The new research was published in the April 2014 issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Gonorrhea is “remarkably adept” at developing resistance to the drugs used to treat it, the researchers note. It can no longer be treated by penicillin and other antimicrobial drugs; the antibiotics cefixime and ceftriaxone are currently our last line of defense against it. If gonorrhea continues to adapt and develops a resistance to those as well, it would “pose a major public health challenge,” the researchers note.

Just last year an “incurable” strain of gonorrhea that was resistant to even these last-defence drugs was found in patients in Toronto.

Resistant strains of the disease first cropped up in Hawaii and California and have since spread all across the country. For this study, the researchers analyzed rates of gonorrhea and resistant gonorrhea in 17 cities between 1991 and 2006. (Those cities might not be representative of the entire country — they are simply the cities where relevant data was available.)

Gonorrhea was actually more common in the cities with lower resistance. But what was alarming is that rates of gonorrhea were on the rise in the cities with higher resistance, while rates were declining in cities with less resistant strains.

The researchers stress that the relationship between higher resistance and increased incidence of gonorrhea may not be causal. Still, the results suggest that when 10% of gonorrhea cases are resistant, there might be an associated 7% spike in the incidence of gonorrhea.

(H/T:  TheGailyGrind)

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