Two men have reportedly been jailed in Uganda for alleged gay sex acts.
NTV Uganda reports:
Two men suspected of engaging in homosexuality acts have been arrested in Oyam. Oyam District Police Commander, Najibu Waiswa says 22-year-old Maurice Okello and his alleged partner, 18-year-old Anthony Oluku were caught red handed. Police claims the two admitted to having been involved in acts of homosexuality.
Waiswa told NTV: "The doctor proved beyond doubt that they have been practicing it for long because even they had scars."
Hundreds of government officials, religious leaders, and Ugandan citizens recently took part in a five-hour ceremony celebrating the passage of the nation's Anti-Homosexuality Law and paid tribute in speeches to President Museveni, who signed the law.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry last month said he would send "experts" to Uganda to speak with the President about homosexuality and whether it's a choice, which was, Museveni claimed, at the root of his decision. Museveni's own "experts" told him it is a choice.
Horrifying regime!