Writer, filmmaker and provocateur Bruce LaBruce has debuted the trailer for his new film, “Gerontophilia,” that follows an 18-year old boy, Lake, as he realizes he has a fetish for older men and subsequently takes a job at a retirement home. Once there, Lake falls for the 81-year old Mr. Peabody and breaks him free from the shackles of assisted living once he learns that the facility is purposefully over-medicating their patients. LaBruce told Vocativ.com that the film was inspired by his friend Marcus Ewert, who began a love affair at seventeen with the much older famous Beat poet Allen Ginsberg:
"I liked the notion that, in a way, [Ewert] had sacrificed himself on the altar of these great artists by offering his body and soul to them. But beyond that, I was sure he also found them sexually stimulating because of their wisdom and stature, and also because he felt an empathy for someone in that stage of their life who might not have easy access to the sexual vigor of the youthful and the beautiful."
Full story here!