Sharon J. Lettman-Hicks
While the America we live in today is more tolerant and accepting
than decades and centuries past, we still have a long and arduous road
ahead. Despite false claims that we live in a "post-racial" society,
African Americans still face prejudice and systemic racism regularly.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people still combat
discrimination and are denied access to basic protections. When you
exist at these intersectional identities, simply trying to provide for
yourself and your family becomes a battlefield.
At the
National Black Justice Coalition,
we have been fighting for over a decade to help LGBT African Americans
live fully empowered, authentic lives. We know that Black LGBT people
can struggle to find acceptance not only in mainstream America, but also
within their own LGBT and African American communities. Now we have the
figures to back up what we witness firsthand daily.
In 2012, NBJC released a landmark report,
LGBT Families of Color: Fact at a Glance,
which highlights the specific challenges faced by LGBT families of
color. Now the Williams Institute at the University of California Los
Angeles has crunched the numbers from three nationwide surveys -- the
U.S. Census, the Gallup Poll, and the American Community Survey -- to
shed more light on the lives of the more than one million
LGBT African Americans in America today and paint a fuller portrait of our Black family.
3.7 percent of all African Americans identify as LGBT, with 84,000
African Americans living in same-sex couples and roughly a third of
those couples raising children. Black individuals who identify as LGBT
are disproportionately young and disproportionately female: 58 percent
of Black LGBT people are women.
Where do they live? Washington,
D.C., tops the charts with the highest percentage of Black LGBT
individuals and couples, most likely thanks to the high number of
African Americans who live in the District of Columbia.
The Williams Institute report
finds that Black LGBT individuals live, for the most part, where other
African Americans -- not other members of the LGBT community -- live.
More than a quarter of all Black LGBT individuals live in Georgia, New
York, Maryland, and North Carolina.
If some of these places
strike you as less than gay-friendly, just consider that the top ten
states where Black LGBT couples live include Georgia, Louisiana,
Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Alabama.
state policies may help explain why Black LGBT people are struggling
more than their white LGBT or heterosexual Black counterparts. More
LGBT African Americans (15 percent) are unemployed than the general
population of African Americans (12 percent). When you compound two
historically marginalized identities -- Black and LGBT -- the blow of
discrimination strikes this community twofold.
Likewise, the
Williams Institute reports that fewer individual LGBT African Americans
have completed college than non-LGBT African Americans -- 17 percent
compared to 25 percent. Interestingly, it is more likely that a member
of an African American same-sex couple will have a college degree than a
member of a heterosexual African American couple -- 41 percent versus
33 percent. LGBT African Americans are also less likely to have health
insurance and less likely to partner with another African American.
Without access to the same educational and health care opportunities as
their heterosexual Black counterparts, LGBT African Americans aren't
given an equal shot at thriving -- professionally, physically, mentally
or emotionally. Their well-being is compromised.

How you're doing
as an LGBT African American also depends a lot on whether you have
children and whether you are in a male same-sex couple or a female
same-sex couple. Our 2012 report found that same-sex couples of color
are more likely to have children or to be foster parents than their
white counterparts. Why does this matter? In general, African Americans
in same-sex couples with children fare less well demographically than
both African Americans with kids in heterosexual couples and other LGBT
African American couples without kids: they are less likely to have
completed college, less likely to have health insurance, and report
lower median household incomes.
Family is the epicenter of the
Black community. For Black LGBT people, this rings just as true. But
the sad reality, according to
LGBT Families of Color: Fact at a Glance,
is that 32 percent of children being raised by Black male gay couples
live in poverty, compared to 13 percent of children being raised by
married heterosexual Black parents and just 7 percent being raised by
married heterosexual white parents.
The statistics are worse if we
look at our Black sisters. Existing gender disparities in income are
exacerbated in two-female households. For example, the median income of
a same-sex African American couple is $59,200 compared to $61,000 for a
heterosexual African American couple. There is a far greater difference
between the median incomes for Back gay households and Black lesbian
households -- a difference of more than $20,000 (it is even higher --
close to $30,000 -- when you compare average household incomes between
gay and lesbian households).
Perhaps even more interesting,
African American females in same-sex couples are three times more likely
to enter the military than non-LGBT counterparts -- nine percent versus
only three.
These statistics speak volumes about the Black LGBT
community and the disparities we face in America. However, the work of
the Williams Institute has begun to strip away the veil of invisibility.
We finally have a clear picture and frame of reference for where we are
and where we need to go.
Sharon J. Lettman-Hicks serves as the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the National Black Justice Coalition
(NBJC), which is a national civil rights organization dedicated to
empowering black LGBT people. NBJC's mission is to end racism and
homophobia. As America's leading national black LGBT civil rights
organization focused on federal public policy, NBJC has accepted the
charge to lead black families in strengthening the bonds and bridging
the gaps between the movements for racial justice and LGBT equality. For
more information about NBJC, visit
(Editor's note: This post originally was published by Huffington Post.)