From the minds of Austin Bening and Noam Ash comes "My Gay Roommate," a web series unlike any other. Each installment follows the life and experiences of a gay man named Nick as he navigates the ups and downs of his young adult years and the dynamics of his unusual new living situation.
In its third episode, its creators are taking the series' magical realism element to the next level.
"This new theme [of magical realism] comes into play because we believe that sharing in an imagination is one of the deepest forms of friendship," Ash previously told The Huffington Post. "This episode is where the magical realism element of the new season is really solidified. Imagination runs wild... inside the closet and out.”
Check out the third installment in the series above. Missed the first two episodes of "My Gay Roomate"? Check them out here and here.
(H/T: The Huffington Post)