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Anti-Gay 'Revolution' On The Way, Because People Are Fed Up With 'Homosexual Agenda,' Scott Lively Claims

An anti-gay "revolution" is in the works in response to the so-called "homosexual agenda," Scott Lively declared in a new interview with the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Lively joined Fischer to discuss his newly-launched gubernatorial campaign. Not surprisingly, however, their talk quickly shifted to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

"People are fed up; I think they're at the breaking point," Lively noted. Calling homosexuality as the "ultimate lawlessness" in the Bible, the controversial evangelical added, "That's where we are now in our country. It's a powder keg and I think we're going to see some real explosive changes are going to take place."
Lively, who is on trial for crimes against humanity, perhaps best known for his support of Uganda's extreme political persecution of gays and lesbians, and is said to have inspired the country's controversial "Kill the Gays" bill.

Fischer, of course, has his own history of anti-LGBT declarations.

Watch the video: .
RWW News: Lively Says People Are 'Fed Up' With Gay Agenda, Revolution Is Coming

All Out the report:

Anti-gay crusaders

This is incredible – so far more than 3,115 of us have chipped in to help stop anti-gay hate groups in their tracks. But there's only 4 days left to hit the goal of 5,000 and set up our amazing, people-powered movement to keep them from exporting hate to Uganda, Russia and beyond.

Chip in now to reach the goal before Friday:

Just a handful of the top anti-gay organisations in the US working internationally have a combined budget of MORE THAN $201 million. But global spending on protecting lesbian, gay, bi and trans people is less than a 10th of that!  Check out the infographic below to find out more – and chip in to help even the playing field:

If you think this isn't a fair fight, chip in now to help stop anti-gay activists:

Andre, Hayley, Jeremy, Marie, Sara and the rest of the All Out team.


American Families Association, Tax Form 990, 2011

Video: Fischer: Russia's Anti-Gay Law Is Exactly The Sort Of 'Public Policy That We've Been Advocating', Right Wing Watch, 26 August, 2013.

Alliance Defending Freedom Tax Form 990, 2012

Alliance Defending Freedom Foundation Tax Form 990, 2012

Alliance Defending Freedom, Criminalizing Sex: Six U.S. Anti-Gay Groups Abroad, Southern Poverty Law Centre, July 2013

American Center for Law and Justice 990, 2012

American Center for Law and Justice, Criminalizing Sex: Six U.S. Anti-Gay Groups Abroad, Southern Poverty Law Centre, July 2013

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