Before you go to bed or go to work in the morning,think about the persecuted innocent people in Uganda.
The Alliance of grassroot organisation on human rights and gender equality,works with advocay,health and capacity building lgbti organisations in Uganda
The Alliance started in January 2012 with advocacy,health and capacity building Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual and Transgender grassroot organisations in Uganda.We have worked on different projects including advocacy,health including HIV/AIDS prevention in msm and wsw plus community activities like the beach pride 2012 and 2013(Uganda gay pride). Because of these activities,many members have been exposed to homophobic community most recently by the Uganda local tabloid called red pepper.Many have been attacked by the mob, evicted from their houses and communities and banished from their families.All these are happening after the signing of the Anti-homosexuality bill by the president of Uganda.This calls for life imprisonment if convicted.

Many members of the lgbti community are still stranded here in Uganda with no idea and no help at all.This money collected will be used to process travel document to be able to flee the country to neighbouring countries,rent and feeding in safe houses,safe transport for our coordinators and internet for coordination as we prepare to challenge this law in court as a community.Many people are now fundraising for Uganda lgbti community which is good because there over one million gay people in Uganda which requires alot of funding.If we all come together we can save alot of innocent people here.Love is not a crime.
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