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Gay Culture Education

Gay Culture Education Project 


We are a group of dedicated and creative people, gay and straight, who produce educational material/media about gay culture through CULTURESonFILM, a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization.

The project:  On Camera Interviews, Video Lectures, Testimonials, Statements and Stories are part of this website.  Presented by distinguished scholars, scientists, professionals, artists, gays, straights, mothers and fathers, friends or just about anyone who has anything positive to say about the gay culture.

The portal is aimed at promoting truth and facts about the history and today’s reality of the gay community by providing high quality didactic or personal contents not only to a general public but also to faith based communities who might not have real information about the gay culture and their contribution to society.

Gay Culture Education project is being used as a information and learning platform.

Why do we need to inform/educate about gay culture?

A: People need to stop being ignorant. Start embracing the truth and the real facts, need to educate themselves about gay people and culture.  Enough with gay bashing, homophobia, bigotry, religious misinformation, fear, and ignorance. Enough with discrimination in the work place like in the state of Pennsylvania, enough with violent crimes, and vandalism of personal property of Gay persons.

One of the most widely used excuse of hatred against gays are the thousand years old scriptures.  Many people use religion and scriptures as an excuse for their own personal prejudices. But if you read Charlie Bradley’s article in our HOMOPHOBIA section, you will see that it has been widely proven that the words of the Bible, specifically those regarding Sodom and Gomorrah, were not written to implicitly condemn homosexuality. Those verses are in fact referring to any promiscuous, frivolous sexual activity that takes place outside the confines of a loving, committed, monogamous relationship.

So we need to educate and educate and educate until all those who are ignorant or poisoned with hatred will come to their senses and stop preaching misinformation.  This website is for them.

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