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dot429 - Gay Lesbian Professional Network


dot429 is a multi-platform network connecting LGBT professionals and allies online and in person. Founded by 500 of the most successful and influential LGBTA entrepreneurs, business people, designers, and entertainers, dot429 serves as a go-to destination for the LGBTA professional set. dot429 provides an opportunity for this community to connect and expand their business networks, further their careers, stay current on the latest happenings in the LGBTA professional community, and more.

Online members communicate through profile pages, updates, messages and online introductions. 429Magazine provides exclusive articles written by industry insiders, politicians, and key LGBTA leaders, covering everything from finance and business to leisure and entertainment. dot429 provides members with a fresh take on current issues: the queer professional perspective.

Adding to the success of the online network, dot429 hosts sophisticated monthly social events across the country for members to connect in person.

dot429 continually introduces new bold designs, new features, and better functionality. We are looking forward to a rolling out more features and larger events to better serve the LGBT professional network nationwide!

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