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James Franco to play gay activist in Gus Van Sant movie

James Franco, currently starring in Broadway’s “Of Mice and Men,” is set to star in an upcoming movie about Michael Glatze, a gay activist who renounced his homosexuality after turning to religion following a health scare.

Glatze is the controversial publisher and former gay rights advocate who gained notoriety for publicly renouncing being gay.

According to the NYPost's PageSix, Franco and Van Sant are teaming up for a third time for the $3.5 million film.

Glatze and former boyfriend Benjie Nycum in 2004 launched Young Gay America magazine (YGA Mag), a bimonthly magazine for LGBT youth which folded three years later. The pair, who met while working at XY magazine, also co-authored the book XY Survival Guide.

“I don't think the gay movement understands the extent to which the next generation just wants to be normal kids,” Glatze told Time magazine in 2005. “The people who are getting that are the Christian right.”

Glatze, whose father died from a heart condition, turned to religion after a health scare involving heart palpitations. He was eventually diagnosed as having Celiac disease.

In 2007, Glatze publicly announced he no longer identified as gay and denounced homosexuality in two WND.com articles. In one article, he pledged to fight gay rights.

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