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Older & Out celebrates LGBT History Month

As part of this Year’s 2014 ‘LGBT History Month Celebrations, ‘Older & Out’- the Age Concern Central Lancashire older LGBT peoples support project – has teamed up with Lancashire’s ‘Snapshot Museum’ to create a brand new film ‘short’ entitled, ‘The Love that Dare Not Speak its Name’.

The film focuses on the lives of Keith and Roy, an older Gay couple who have been together since they first met as art students 53 years ago and who against all odds managed to stay together when so much was against them.

The couple discuss the difficulties in coming out to each other whilst in college, the lifelong issues in sharing their ‘secret’ with other members of their family and friends, their ‘double lives’ and how a serious homophobic attack changed the course of their lives forever.

“One of the things we always try to do within our ‘Older & Out’ project is to be creative with our promotion and publicity”, said project coordinator Drew. “Flyers, posters and advertising are great ways of bringing attention to the project but we have found that films documenting ‘real life’ situations and stories about the people who access our service really reach out to viewers and serve as useful tools in educating people about and bringing attention to the plight faced by many older LGBT people.”

“With Keith and Roy, we really wanted to show the public how ‘love’ can prevail against all odds especially during the 1950’s the era in which the Boys first met and a time when their love for each other could quite easily have landed them in prison, had them subjected to barbaric mental health treatments or – as in the case of Keith and Roy – become the victims of a homophobic attack just because they were in love”.

Drew continues, “However, we also wanted to people to hear the Boys shared love of music so the film is sound tracked with songs created by legendary ‘Divas’ such as Dame Shirley Bassey, Petula Clark, and especially ‘Sarah Vaughan’ who is Keith’s particular favourite.

The film has been shown at a very special event held in Preston, Lancashire on February 1st as part of Lancashire’s ‘2014 LGBT History celebrations.


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