Lesbian, gay, bi and trans Ugandans could face life in jail. Call on your government to speak out – sign the petition now.
In 24 hours, Uganda's President Museveni is planning to sign into law one of the worst anti-gay laws in the world. He thinks he has more to win than to lose by targeting gay people.
But we can change his calculations, if we can get other world leaders to apply real pressure in the next 24 hours.
World leaders could make things hard for Uganda’s politicians –
refusing visas so they can’t travel the world and withdrawing diplomats
and advisors.
horrendous bill has been stalled time and again, when people power in
Uganda and around the world has pushed world leaders to get tough. But
they’re going silent now when we need them most – we have 24 hours to get them to act.
It’s true that even if President Museveni refuses to sign the bill, it could still be pushed forward by other politicians in the country. If that happens, Ugandan lesbian, gay, bi and trans people in the country will be ready to go to court to win their freedom.
Ugandans are leading the charge
– through lobbying their own politicians and pushing international
organizations to take a stand. They’ve put together a list of things all
of us can do to help – starting with demanding that our governments take action.
So as
thousands of us around the world are signing the petition, the All Out
staff team will send live updates of the petition numbers to influential
governments. Every extra name means a higher number, so
important government decision-makers will see a rising storm of people,
demanding they act.
bill is so controversial, no one outside of the Ugandan parliament has
seen the final version. No one knows exactly what new punishments or
‘crimes’ it might include.
over 3 years, together we’ve called on governments to intervene and
support Uganda’s LGBT community. And so far it has helped make a
we’re on the right side of history against laws like these. To have a
chance of stopping this bill, every government should be speaking out
and telling Uganda’s lawmakers there will be a price to pay for such an
inhuman act.
Thanks for going All Out,
Andre, Guillaume, Hayley, Jeremy, Leandro, Marie, Pablo and the rest of the All Out team.
PS: President Museveni has always seen himself as a world player. His reputation on the global stage matters to him. If governments are speaking out against his actions, he’ll know that his name is on the line. Will you ask your government to speak out now? http://www.allout.org/kill-
Ugandan parliament passes anti-gay bill that includes life in prison, CNN 21 December 2013
http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/21/ world/africa/uganda-anti-gay- bill/
Uganda’s President Will Sign Anti-Gay Bill. How Did the Nation Get to this Point?, Religion and Politics, 18 February 2014
http://religionandpolitics. org/2014/02/18/ugandas- president-will-sign-anti-gay- bill-how-did-the-nation-get- to-this-point/
An open
letter to Africa’s leaders: Joaquim Chissano, former President of
Mozambique, The Africa Report, Tuesday, 14 January 2014
http://www.theafricareport. com/Soapbox/an-open-letter-to- africas-leaders-joaquim- chissano-former-president-of- mozambique.html
Ugandan President blocks anti-gay bill, TIME, 17 January 2014
http://world.time.com/2014/01/ 17/ugandan-president-blocks- anti-gay-bill/